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Let's Play Some Futbol!

Is my player ready for travel soccer?

Kenston FC is a great fit if 


Your player is 7 - 14 years of age


Your athlete wants to improve


Your player has played rec soccer and is looking for an challenge


Your athlete likes to compete and have fun 


Your family wants to be part of a growing community focused on the whole athlete - physical, mental, and social

Aren't youth club sports and travel soccer expensive?

Youth sports costs are relative, but Kenston FC is affordable as compared to other travel and club sport options.  


Kenston FC is committed to support all our community soccer players and has a stated objective to develop players in our community regardless of financial limitations.  If you or any family in your network are not participating in soccer because of financial constraints, we encourage the affected family to complete a Kenston FC scholarship application for a grant to participate in Kenston FC soccer.  Applications can be requested by contacting the Club directly. 

Our family has a packed schedule already.  What is the time commitment?

Fall and Spring seasons are ~12 weeks each during Aug, Sep, Oct, Apr, May and June.  Practices are typically 2x per week with games on Sundays.  Schedules can vary based on coach availability, weather and field conditions. 


Each team will play ~8 league games plus a tournament each season with half home and half away games.  Away games are typically within a 30min drive.  Higher level teams may travel further to find higher competition.  


Club programs in the winter and summer months are limited and completely optional.  

It seems too early for my player to specialize in soccer?  

Kenston FC's mission is to develop the whole athlete - physical, mental and social; and, a well-rounded athlete is a healthy athlete.  Coaches and our Club will provide support and flexible requirements for athletes balancing other sport, academic and artistic interests.

My player also plays higher level Club soccer, but wants to play with his/her school friends?

As a Club, we are committed to develop our community soccer players including players that want more and higher levels of competition than our travel Club provides.  Our coaches and Club will provide flexibility in schedule and time commitments to those players that want to play for their community and with their school friends while still playing with more advanced Clubs.

My player loves the game, but is either younger than 7 or older than 14?   

Kenston FC is a true community based organization and partners with Kenston Community Education (KCE) and the Kenston High School programs.  KCE offers beginner and recreational soccer opportunities for our younger athletes along with men's soccer for players 30+. 


Both Kenston HS men's and women's coaches participate with our Club, and the HS athletic program includes both men's and women's varsity and junior varsity opportunities for our older athletes.

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